No 19/2002: Supplementary Agreement between Europol and United States, December 2002
No 18/2002: Revised proposed Directive on asylum procedures, November 2002
No 17/2002: EU: “safe and dignified”, voluntary or “forced” repatriation to “safe” third countries, November 2002
No 16/2002: The future of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, October 2002
No 15/2002: Proposals to amend the Europol Convention, October 2002
No 14/2002: The "war on freedom and democracy", an essay by Tony Bunyan, September 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 13/2002: Immigration and asylum in the EU after 11 September 2001, September 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 12/2002: Europol-USA exchange of personal data, November 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 11/2002: EU surveillance of communications to be "mandatory", August 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 10/2002: Secret EU-US agreement being negotiated, August 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 9/2002: Northern Ireland: Inside Castlereagh: Files stolen from Special Branch HQ, June 2002
No 8/2002: European Commission: EU Border Control Communication, May 2002
No 7/2002: Commission Communication on illegal immigration; Commission Green Paper on Return; EU Action Plan on Illegal Immigration, April 2002
No 6/2002: Commission White Paper on Governance, March 2002 (submission to European Commission, pdf file)
No 5/2002: Refugee status and susbidiary protection, March 2002
No 4/2002: EU terrorism situation report: "Anarchists are terrorists", February 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 2/2002: Asylum and "safeguarding national security" post 11 September, February 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 2/2002: US-EU Bush letter, February 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 1/2002: New EU measure on terrorism criminalises all refugees and asylum seekers, January 2002 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
(Council docs. 13689/02; 13689/02 add 1; and 13996/02)
The Charter should become part of the treaties, subject to a number of important clarifications made to its horizontal provisions as regards competence, limitation clauses, and rights other than those based on the EC/EU Treaties and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The European Union should also be granted competence to accede to the ECHR.
The Commission's recent Communication on border control (COM (2002) 233) sets out a number of proposals for developing common control of the EU's external borders. The principal elements in this plan are a 'common unit' of senior border control officials to control the implementation of a common border control policy; further exchange of information between a large number of authorities, including the Schengen Information System, the visa information database, police authorities and Europol; and the development of a Common European Border Corps with powers to check people at the border, deny them entry, board vessels and arrest individuals.
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