No 41/11: On Globalisation of Control: Towards an Integrated Surveillance System in Europe (1999, online version December 2011)
No 40/11: The euro area: Comments on the EU Summit meeting 9 December 2011 (December 2011)
No 39/11: The Arab Spring of “Security made in Germany" (November 2011)
No 38/11: Criticism of UK Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures mounts as government retains power to forcibly relocate suspects (November 2011)
No 37/11: Future EU Treaty Reform? Economic Governance and Democratic Accountability (October 2011)
No 36/11: Italy: Fire and loathing in Lampedusa (October 2011)
No 35/11: Viewpoint: Ten years after the G8 Summit in Genoa, by Salvatore Palidda, Genoa University (October 2011)
No 34/11: EU: Mandatory data retention: update and developments (October 2011)
No 33/11: UK: Arrests, raids and wedding parades (October 2011)
No 32/11: A new player in Security Research: the European Network of Law Enforcement Services (ENLETS) (October 2011)
No 31/11: Europe’s secret international negotiations violate EU law (October 2011)
No 30/11: Court of Justice:The NS and ME Opinions -The Death of “Mutual Trust”? (September 2011)
No 29/11: UK: Internet censorhip looms as government finds alternatives to flawed Digital Economy Act (September 2011)
No 28/11: Implementing the “principle of availability”: The European Criminal Records Information System - The European Police Records Index System - The Information Exchange Platform for Law Enforcement Authorities (September 2011)
No 27/11: Using false documents against “Euro-anarchists”: the exchange of Anglo-German undercover police highlights controversial police operations (August 2011)
No 26/11: UK: Surveillance statistics: 1937-2010 (August 2011)
No 26a/11: The Frontex Regulation – Consolidated text after 2011 amendments [Regulation 1168/2011 amending 2007/2004] (July 2011)
No 25/11: Germany: Berlin police chief sentenced: Eight shots were not self-defence (July 2011)
No 24/11: UK: The death of Jimmy Mubenga: “Securing your world” through privatised manslaughter (July 2011)
No 23/11: Policing popular mass protests: The transport of nuclear waste at Goelben (July 2011)
No 22/11: Lubricating the flow of information in the EU (IMS) (July 2011)
No 21/11: Public order and demonstrations in Italy: Heavy-handed policing, militarisation and prohibition (July 2011)
No 20/11: The revised directive on Refugee and Subsidiary Protection status (July 2011)
No 19/11: The Frontex Regulation – Consolidated text after 2011 amendments (July 2011)
No 18/11: Italy: Series of defeats in court for the “security package” (July 2011)
No 17/11: “A radically changing political landscape in the Southern Mediterranean”? The Dialogue for Migration, Mobility and Security with the Southern Mediterranean countries (July 2011)
No 16/11: UK: Review of counter-terrorism powers fails to deliver definitive change (June 2011)
No 15/11: “Network with errors”: Europe’s emerging web of DNA databases (June 2011)
No 14/11: Rethinking the EU Security Research Programme (June 2011)
No 13/11: Revised EU asylum proposals: “Lipstick on a pig” (June 2011)
No 12/11: Commission Communication on migration: Adapting the Schengen Border Code (May 2011)
No 11/11: The effects of security policies on rights and liberties in the European Union, and their export beyond the EU’s borders (May 2011)
No 10/11: Proposed Commission changes to Regulation on access to documents fail to meet Lisbon Treaty commitments (April 2011)
No 9/11: PNR data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime (March 2011)
No 8/11: EU: Controls, detention and expulsions at Europe’s borders (February 2011)
No 7/11: The German Security Research Programme: Transferring military technology – securitising civil research (February 2011)
No 6/11: EU: Deepening the democratic deficit: the failure to “enshrine” the public’s right of access to documents (February 2011)
No 5/11: EU: “The law will bring peace”: s view on the European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) (February 2011)
No 4/11: The growing use of “preventative” arrests (February 2011)
No 3/11: Time to rethink terrorist blacklisting (February 2011)
No 2/11: Spying in a see through world: the “Open Source” intelligence industry (January 2011)
No 1/11: Six months on: An update on the UK coalition government’s commitment to civil liberties (January 2011)
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