19/15 Briefing: Italy: MSF report on reception conditions in Pozzallo (November 2015)
18/15 Briefing: Counter-terrorism: what the EU is discussing after the Paris attacks (November 2015)
17/15: EU-Africa: Fortress Europe’s neo-colonial project (November 2015)
16/15: EU-USA Justice and Home Affairs cooperation: an honest and equal relationship? (July 2015)
15/15: Briefing: Preparing the ground for “smart borders”: EU action on “overstayers” (July 2015)
14/15: ECtHR: Spain guilty of not investigating allegations of torture in incommunicado detention (July 2015)
1315: UK: The new government’s assault on civil liberties (June 2015)
12/15: Briefing: Coercive measures or expulsion: Fingerprinting migrants (May 2015)
11/15: Manufacturing consent, EU style: The EU’s anti-smuggling military operation (May 2015)
10/15: The EU’s Planned War on Smugglers (May 2015)
09/15: Full compliance: the EU’s new security agenda (May 2015)
08/15: Biometric data and data protection law: the CJEU loses the plot (April 2015)
07/15: Italy/ECtHR: 2001 Genoa G8 police beating in the Diaz-Pertini school torture” - involving 62-year-old beaten during police operation (April 2015)
06/15: The EU's Maternity Leave Directive: The Council secretly rejects the EP's olive branch (March 2015)
05/15: Remote access to computers: Is it time to go back to the typewriter, carbon paper and Tippex? (March 2015)
04/15: Basic data protection principles in the proposed Data Protection Regulation: back to the future? (March 2015)
03/15: Bringing the Panopticon Home: the UK joins the Schengen Information System (February 2015)
02/15: Is readmission linked to development? (January 2015)
01/15: The US Senate reveals the truth on renditions and torture, now it’s Europe’s turn (January 2015)
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