Update: Mystery document appears on EU Council register

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The offical explanation for the mystery document on the public register of the Council of the European Union is that 9940/02 does not exist - the number was reserved but never used. Apparently document no 9940/02 was intended to be a follow up to document 9110/02 AUDIO 6 (Audiovisual) which is classified as "Restreint" (Restricted), though it would be intriguing to know why an "Audiovisual" document is secret especially as it obviously involves justice and home affairs issues.

So the mystery has been cleared up, Council document no 9940/02 does not exist and is no longer listed on the public register - but if you would like a copy click here: Document no 9940/02: document (pdf)


Story filed 10 October 2002

A new entry on the public register of documents of the Council of the European Union (the 15 EU governments) is a complete mystery. The document (ref: 9940/02) was written on Tuesday 15 October and archived on the public register on Wednesday 16 October and appears to be accessible for downloading but the contents of the document reads as follows:




Subject : Classified document archived in AIS

This is a classified document archived in AIS.

Given the classification level, only the references (see notice) are available, not the content."

"AIS" stands for automated information system.

The only clue as to its actual contents is that it covers four subject areas of EU activity:

AUDIO - Audiovisual
AELE - European Free Trade Association
JAI - Justice and Home Affairs
WTO - World Trade Organisation

There is no indication as to the level of classifications eg: "Restricted", the lowest level or "Top Secret", the highest. Ideas on what might link the four areas above should be sent to: office@statewatch.org

Document no 9940/02: document (pdf)

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