28 March 2012
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Greece: British activist released
The five were
arrested during the EU Summit in Thessaloniki on 21 June and
charged with a series of offences which they deny. Simon Chapman
was charged with being in possession of molotov cocktails in
black rucksacks - he says he had a blue rucksack containing bottles
of water and clothes: see: "Captured
on film" (pdf with pictures) and Guardian: Athens
judges free hunger-strike Briton
Medical reports
on the condition of the "Saloniki 5" Update 20 November
The "Saloniki
5" on hunger strike transferred to high security prison
filed on 12 November 2003
Greece: The
"Saloniki 8" and Simon Chapman Statewatch
first filed a story on 24 July 2003
"Simon was arrested on Saturday June 21st at the
anti-EU demonstration in Thessaloniki, Greece. He was by the
anti-authoritarian block march which left the occupied university
at around 5.00 pm. Initial scuffles broke out between the police
and part of the march with the police responding with hundreds
of canisters of CS gas and other chemical weapons.
Simon was caught up in this attack by the police and was overcome
by the teargas. A police snatch squad then went for Simon and
proceeded to kick Simon in the head and face repeatedly. At this
point Simon was wearing a distinctive blue and purple rucksack
as the photo in the pdf below shows. His bag was subsequently
taken by undercover police who proceeded to place three black
rucksacks of Molotov's near him as the photo on the right shows.
In addition to this evidence, a film footage moments after the
initial contact with the police shows clearly undercover police
placing the bags full of Molotov's near Simon as well as placing
a hammer and pickaxe handle in the bags. The Greek authorities
claim that Simons Blue and Purple rucksack does not exist! Well
we know and can show different.
Simon is 29 years old, and works as a graphic designer in
London. He is an anti-capitalist and in London has been involved
with several social centres, particularly in organising musical
events. Recently he has been involved in anti-war and anti-militarist
projects and actions."
1. "Captured on film"
(pdf with pictures)
2. "Support Simon
Chapman" website with further details
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