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- EU-USA: Think tank's report: "Shoulder to shoulder": Forging a Strategic US-EU Partnership
EU-USA: Think tank's report: "Shoulder to shoulder": Forging a Strategic US-EU Partnership
01 December 2010
EU-USA: Think tank's report:
"Shoulder to shoulder": Forging a Strategic US-EU Partnership (pdf) Includes proposals on justice and home affairs such as:
Improve U.S.-EU cooperation in justice and law enforcement: Establish a transatlantic arrest warrant... Establish joint investigation teams, including Europol and Eurojust... Collaborate on security-related research... Launch a public-private Global Movement Management Initiative (GMMI) as an innovative
governance framework to align security and resilience with commercial imperatives in global movement systems... Improve U.S. cooperation with FRONTEX.. Include transatlantic cooperation in EU discussions of the external dimension of internal security... Establish solid coordination between U.S. and EU operation centers..."