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- Statewatch News Online: European Commission programme for 2011: Selected proposals - Home Affairs (Internal security and immigration)
Statewatch News Online: European Commission programme for 2011: Selected proposals - Home Affairs (Internal security and immigration)
28 March 2012
European Commission programme
for 2011: Selected proposals
- Home Affairs (Internal security and immigration)
The Commission
has published its Work Programme for 2011. Below are selected
initiatives - together with background sources. Text in italics
from Commission programme.
Initiatives on Smart Borders Roadmap
- Legislative proposal to set up an Entry/Exit System (EES)
Roadmap (pdf),
Communication, 2008 (pdf), European
Parliament study (pdf)
- Legislative proposal to set up a Registered Traveller Programme
(RTP) Roadmap (pdf)
- Legislative proposal amending the Schengen Borders Code
See also: New
tools for an integrated European Border Management Strategy
(pdf) and
Statewatch: EU:
The surveillance of travel where everyone is a suspect
Legislative/ Non legislative
"The aim is to
protect the security of our borders, whilst ensuring that Europe
remains accessible to frequent travellers by using modern technologies
in border management. The EES would generate information
that would help identify and apprehend irregular immigrants (especially
overstayers), thereby deterring irregular immigration. It would
also contribute to maintaining a high level of security by generating
information that would help prevent terrorism and serious criminal
activity and allowing the apprehension of terrorist and criminal
The RTP, on the other
hand, would facilitate the crossing of EU external borders for
frequent, pre-screened and pre-vetted third country travellers,
while ensuring overall coherence of EU border policy. Together,
the EES and RTP would therefore further develop."
Communication the possibility of introducing
an EU ESTA (EU electronic system for travel authorisation) Roadmap (pdf) Commission:
U.S. Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)
(December, 2008, pdf)
"An integrated border management by allowing persons
who have a right to enter the EU to do so in a simpler and faster
way, while at the same time constituting essential tools in the
fight against irregular migration and security threats.
The Schengen Borders
Code will need to be amended to take account of the technical
changes that will result from the proposals for an EES and RTP.
Following the introduction by the US and Australia of an ESTA
(electronic system for travel authorisation), the Communication
will examine whether the EU should also introduce such an ESTA,
in the context of its integrated border management and as a complement
to its present visa policy."
Directive on the use of Passenger Name Records
for law enforcement purposes (European PNR) Roadmap
See also Statewatch's Observatory:
surveillance of passengers (PNR)
of the proposal for an EU PNR Framework Decision following the
entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The proposal provides that air carriers will be required to make
available PNR data of their passengers to the Member States law
enforcement authorities."
Communication on enhanced intra-EU solidarity
"The Communication will aim to create a coherent and
comprehensive framework for better sharing responsibility for
asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection
across the EU."
European Terrorist Financing Tracking Programme (European
TFTP) Roadmap
See Statewatch Observatory:
lists" monitoring proscription, designation and asset-freezing
"The EU-US Terrorist Financing Tracking Programme (TFTP)
agreement holds out the longer-term prospective of the establishment
within the EU of an EU system equivalent to the TFTP, implying
a more targeted transfer of data in the future and allowing for
the extraction of data to take place on EU soil. Article 2 of
the Council Decision on the conclusion of the EU-US agreement
invites the Commission to submit no later than 1 August 2011
a legal and technical framework for the extraction of data on
EU territory."
Legislative proposal on the establishment of
a European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) Roadmap
Staff Working Paper (2009,pdf), Commission:
the creation of a European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR)
(2008, pdf) and
Inter-Service consultation (2008, pdf)
"The aim of EUROSUR is to reinforce the control of the
Schengen external border, especially the southern maritime and
eastern land borders. EUROSUR will establish a mechanism for
Member States' authorities carrying out border surveillance activities
(border guards, coast guards, police, customs, and navies) to
share operational information and to cooperate with each other
and with FRONTEX in order to reduce the loss of lives at sea
and the number of irregular immigrants entering the EU undetected,
and to increase internal security by preventing cross-border
crime such as terrorism, trafficking in human beings, smuggling
of weapons and drugs, etc. Hence, for the purposes of establishing
the technical and operational framework of EUROSUR, the legislative
proposal will focus on the tasks and functions of national coordination
centres, the setting up of a decentralised communication network
and will provide common rules for the exchange of information
between national coordination centres and with FRONTEX."
Communication on the evaluation and future development of
the Global Approach to Migration Roadmap
See Statewatch Observatory on
and asylum in the EU
"As foreseen in the Stockholm programme, and based on
the evaluation of the work done so far, this Communication will
contribute to the further development and consolidation of the
global approach to migration. It will be elaborated according
to a broad participative process, associating all relevant stakeholders,
and will promote increased coordination, coherence and synergies,
as well as a more strategic and evidence based use of the global
approach instruments. The Communication will be accompanied by
three staff working documents which will explore the effects
of climate change on migration,the connection between migration
and development and labour shortages."
Proposal for a review of Directive 2006/24/EC (Data Retention)
See Statewatch's Observatory on
surveillance of telecommunications in the EU
"Following an evaluation of the existing Data Retention
Directive and recent judgments of MS constitutional courts, a
review of the Directive is aimed at better matching data retention
obligations with law enforcement needs, protection of personal
data (right to privacy) and impacts on the functioning of the
internal market (distortions)."
Regulation establishing a procedure for the freezing of funds
of persons suspected of terrorist activities inside the EU Roadmap (pdf)
See Statewatch Observatory:
lists" monitoring proscription, designation and asset-freezing
"The existing pre-Lisbon asset freezing measures against
specified persons and groups to prevent and combat terrorism
contain a gap in that, due to lack of legal base, they do not
allow the listing of persons suspected of terrorist activities
in the EU. To close this gap, the Lisbon Treaty has added a new
legal base (Art. 75 TFEU) on the basis of which a complementary
listing procedure for internal terrorists needs to be developed."
EU Immigration Code Roadmap
of all legislation in the area of immigration, starting with
legal migration, and where necessary extending the existing
provisions foreseen by the Stockholm Programme."
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