28 March 2012
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rights organisations say reform of stop and search legislation
does not go far enough
On 16 October, the office of the
French Defender of Rights (Défenseur des Droits), a governmental
ombudsman organisation, published a report on identity checks.
[1] A few weeks earlier the government had announced that receipts
would not be provided for police stop and searches, contradicting
the promise of President Hollande that he would fight 'nasty
face' identity checks (délit de faciès, checks
based on appearance). [2] Civil society organisations have welcomed
this report but argue that the Rights Defender does not go far
"Abusive identity
checks" against minorities
In January 2012, Human Rights Watch published a report entitled
'The root of humiliation: abusive identity checks in France'.
[3] The report drew on the accounts of 67 French citizens - many
of them of African, North African, and Caribbean descent - and
established that minority groups were more likely to be stopped
by the police for identity checks, "suggesting that police
engage in ethnic profiling."
The report identified
a lack of accountability and prejudice against minorities as
the main drivers of this discrimination:
"The French Code of Criminal Procedure gives law enforcement
officers too much discretion to conduct identity checks, leaving
ample room for arbitrariness and abuse. Accountability mechanisms,
both within law enforcement agencies and through external oversight
bodies, do not appear adequate."
Human Rights Watch concluded
its report by calling for a reform of article 78(2) of the Code
of Criminal Procedure which authorises police officers to stop
and search individuals as soon as they have a "reasonable
suspicion" that the person may have attempted or actually
committed an unlawful act.
In the absence of any official statistics on ethnicity in France
(which is forbidden by law) this study was the second undertaken
by a civil society organisation where field evidence confirmed
allegations that a significant amount of identity checks may
be racially motivated and thus discriminatory.
In 2009, the Open Society Justice Initiative published a landmark report based on the observation of more than 500 identity checks in France. [4] The study confirmed that identity checks were essentially grounded on people's appearance and that Arab people were seven times and black people between three and eleven times more likely to be stopped by the police than white people. Open Society reached the same conclusions as Human Rights Watch and called for the revision of article 78(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
A 2011 report by Amnesty
International on deaths in custody in France corroborated these
findings. [5] The organisation highlighted that "discriminatory
conduct by law enforcement officials towards persons belonging
to ethnic minorities has been alleged in many cases brought to
Amnesty International". Amnesty expressed its hope that
"the Defender of Rights will make a priority of addressing
the issue of human rights abuses by law enforcement officials
with the seriousness and expertise that it requires".
Fourteen individuals launched legal proceedings against the Ministry
of Interior in 2011 for alleged "délit de faciès."
These cases are ongoing. [6]
Report by the Defender of Rights
The report on identity checks by the Defender of Rights followed
weeks of debate on the issue in France and the announcement by
the Interior Minister that police should not have to issue forms
to those undergoing identity checks. This move was perceived
as a step back from the manifesto commitment of François
Hollande to "fight against 'nasty face'" based identity
checks through the establishment of a "procedure respectful
of citizens."
A group of eight civil society organisations, including the Open
Society Justice Initiative, Human Rights Watch, the Human Rights
League, and magistrates' organisations, called the Minister's
"scepticism on reforming identity checks
and published a communiqué calling for police officers
to be obliged to issue forms, and the reform of article 78(2)
of the Code of Criminal Procedure. [Ibid at 2]
The Defender of Rights conducted a study in early 2012 to establish
whether identity check forms should be put in place in France
to help address allegations of racial profiling.
The report was based on a wide consultation of civil society
and official stakeholders and looked at the experiences of stop
and search reforms in four different countries: the UK, Spain,
Bulgaria and Hungary. One city in each of these countries, except
the UK, was part of an Open Society Justice Initiative STEPSS
(Strategies for Effective Stop and Search) project.
The example of the Spanish city of Fuelenbrada was looked at
closely by the Defender (the project was suspended in the two
other cities) together with the UK example, where the changes
brought by the 2010 Crime and Security Act and stop and search
forms used in London and Leicester were looked at.
In both countries police officers have to fill in forms indicating
the ethnic background (in the UK) or the nationality (in Spain)
of the person stopped along with other personal information including
the identity of the police officer, who is obliged to provide
either their full name or identification number.
A key finding in the Defender's report was that obliging police
officers to give forms to people subjected to stop and search
significantly reduces the number of stops, while the efficiency
of the operations increased. It also emerged that despite these
reforms, minority groups still felt they were subjected to more
identity checks than the rest of the population.
The Defender concluded that because the collection of ethnic
statistics is prohibited in France, using forms that identify
the ethnic origin of the person being stopped would be unlawful.
Even without information on ethnic origin, the collection of
data for statistical purposes would include personal data and
thus would require the favourable opinion of the French data
protection watchdog CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Information
et des Libertés).
However, the Defender emphasised that "in a democratic society,
it should be possible to identify any public security officer
on duty", pursuant to EU jurisprudence and the European
Code on Police Ethics. While in favour of putting in place the
obligation for police officers to identify themselves during
stop and search operations, the Defender did not specify a preference
for any of the four possible forms identified as being transposable
in the French context. [7]
On 16 October, Human Rights Watch, the Human Rights League, etc.
- all of whom had previously criticised the government for its
refusal to implement changes - welcomed the Defender's report
but regretted that no mention was made by the Defender on the
need to reform article 78(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure:
"Many paragraphs of this article should be withdrawn
or amended to limit the scope of the controls to the fight against
delinquency". [8]
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