EU: Schengen Information System (SIS II) goes live
10 April 2013
Commission press release (link)
Commission memo: Questions and Answers: Schengen Information System (SIS II) (link)
List of competent authorities which are authorised to search directly the data contained in the second generation Schengen Information System (2013/C103/01, pdf)
"Today, the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) enters into operation to increase security and facilitate free movement within the Schengen area. The SIS II allows for an easy exchange of information between national border control authorities, customs and police authorities on persons who may have been involved in a serious crime. It also contains alerts on missing persons, in particular children, as well as information on certain property, such as banknotes, cars, vans, firearms and identity documents that may have been stolen, misappropriated or lost."
Analysis of SIS II:
- Statewatch analysis:
From the Schengen Information System to SIS II and the Visa Information System (VIS): the proposals explained (May 2005)
- Statewatch news online:
Small steps to big brother: the development of the Visa Information System and the Schengen Information System II is back on track (August 2011)
- Statewatch news online:
Commission reports that SIS II is "on track" to come into operation in early 2013 (October 2012)
- Centre for European Policy Studies report:
The Difficult Road to the Schengen Information System II: The legacy of ‘laboratories’ and the cost for fundamental rights and the rule of law (April 2011)