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- Concern over French transposition of EU asylum measures into national law
Concern over French transposition of EU asylum measures into national law
12 December 2014
France is currently transposing the EU Asylum package in national law. Migrants' rights organisations that are part of the National Coalition on Asylum (CFDA –
Coordination Française pour le Droit d'Asile) have expressed concern over the following issues:
- the proposed law does not transpose the asylum seekers' right of access to thorough information;
- the proposed law does not provide asylum-seekers with the right to work although this is stated in the EU's Reception Directive;
- deep concern as the fast track procedure will develop with the judicial review of one judge instead of two, as is currently the case;
- deep concern as regards the compulsory lodging of asylum-seekers in reception centres which, organisations fear, will facilitate the tracking of rejected asylum-seekers to ensure their removal;
- no change in the current legislation that allows the detention of asylum-seekers pending their return to another EU country when the Dublin III procedure applies.
The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights has unanimously adopted a statement and expressed grave concern over the transposition of the measures in their current form.