10 May 2017
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Racism plays a key role in migrants exclusion and violations of rights in the European Union
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Accompanies the report: Racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe: ENAR Shadow Report 2015-16(link to pdf). See also: Data visualisations (link) and: Key findings from the report (pdf)
People fleeing conflict or desperate situations come to seek refuge in Europe, only to be faced with racist attacks, labour exploitation and discrimination in their jobs, if structural barriers dont prevent from accessing employment in the first place. They hear politicians and far-right movements saying they are a threat to Europe, criminals, scroungers, rapers, and should be stopped from entering at all costs.
Governments responses to rising levels of migrants and refugees entering Europe have become substitutes for debates on exclusion and security. Several EU Member States for instance made it clear that irregular and Muslim migrants were not welcome. African migrants, many in need of humanitarian protection in Europe, were framed by politicians and other commentators as economic or illegal migrants. Beyond discrimination, such measures reinforce criminalisation in migrants integration path.
The rise of far-right parties and movements such as Pegida and other vigilante groups across Europe shows how successful these parties and groups have been in setting the tone of the debate on immigration, particularly related to Muslim migrants. This is resulting in anti-migrant discourses and policies being seen as acceptable and mainstreamed across the political spectrum.
Racist attacks against migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and their accommodation were reported by civil society organisations across the EU. In Germany for instance, a total of 3,729 attacks against refugees and asylum seekers were reported in 2016 more than 10 hate crimes per day. In Greece, 75 racist incidents targeting immigrants and refugees were reported in 2015, a 60% increase compared to 2014.
A number of barriers in the labour market discrimination, restrictions linked to migration status, lack of recognition of qualifications, language result in an employment gap between migrants and nationals and in many migrants falling victim to exploitation. In the absence of national migrant integration plans that address racial or status discrimination in the labour market, inclusion and progression in the labour market remain difficult for racialised migrants. In Belgium, a report showed that out of 176 agencies providing cleaning and household services, a sector which employs a significant number of racialised minorities and migrants, more than 60% responded positively to discriminatory demands by clients.
The framing of migration as a security risk for the European Union, and the introduction of new border and counter-terrorism measures in some Member States, has led to ethnic profiling and discriminatory policing of migrants. In Finland, police and border guards were observed carrying out spot checks specifically targeting non-Finnish looking people in several cities in April 2016. In Italy, certain African nationalities, e.g. Nigerians, are systematically prevented from formally claiming asylum in hotspots, and instead are directly issued a formal refusal order. In Austria, Belgium, France, Spain and the United Kingdom, foreign nationals and Muslim migrants are increasingly reported to the police or checked by the police due to alleged suspicious behaviour.
Racialised migrants are bearing the brunt of increasingly restrictive migration policies and discourses. And this is having a destructive impact on their lives from facing violent racist attacks to discrimination and exploitation in the labour market, said ENAR Chair Amel Yacef . The European Union and political leaders must stop the vicious circle of exclusion and hate and focus on long-term solutions to address hate crime and discrimination targeting migrants. At a deeper level, we need to question the racial biases underpinning European and national migration policies in order to ensure the real inclusion and participation of migrants in European society.
For further information, contact:
Georgina Siklossy, Senior Communication and Press Officer
Tel: +32 (0)2 229 35 70 - Mobile: +32 (0)473 490 531 - Email: georgina@enar-eu.org - Web: www.enar-eu.org
Background and links:
1. ENARs 2015-16 Shadow Report on racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe is based on data and information from 26 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom.
2. The report and key findings can be found here: www.enar-eu.org/Shadow-Reports-on-racism-in-Europe.
3. Data visualisations are available here: http://www.enar-eu.org/Data-visualisations
4. The European Network Against Racism (ENAR aisbl) stands against racism and discrimination and advocates equality and solidarity for all in Europe. We connect local and national anti-racist NGOs throughout Europe and voice the concerns of ethnic and religious minorities in European and national policy debates.
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