01 November 2017
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EU agencies and bodies act "out of area" under civilian crisis management role
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In May 2017, the Council underlined the need to enhance the contribution of civilian crisis management to the wider EU response to current and future security challenges, including irregular migration, hybrid threats, cyber security, terrorism, radicalisation, organised crime, border management and maritime security. These key challenges for the EU are tackled by a mix of EU instruments, which could include CSDP." [emphasis added]
As the document notes "civil protection is no longer pursued primarily through CSDP, as it is covered by other EU instruments." This document therefore concerns civil protection in the context of CSDP Missions outside the EU. However, EU Agencies such as the the European Border Coast Guard Agency and Europol in operations "out of area" (outside the EU). For example in EUBAM in Libya. As noted: "closer cooperation with relevant FSJ actors, such as Europol, the EBCGA and Eurojust, is of key importance and being actively pursued."
"In various theatres, civilian missions interact closely with the military. Such actors can be military CSDP missions (Mali, Somalia), other international players (the UN, NATO, the African Union e.g. in Mali, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Somalia), or national forces with a military status but implementing tasks of a civilian nature. Police forces with a military status such as the Eurogendfor are by their very nature a prime example of civ-mil interaction.(...)
regular cooperation between civilian CSDP missions and Eurogendfor is taking place, for example EUAM Ukraine and Eurogendfor jointly delivered a train-the-trainers course in 2016." [emphasis added]
Our readers may not be familiar with "Eurogendfor" which also acts "out of area": Cooperation with the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR) under the Common Security and Defence Policy - Explanatory brief (pdf) and see: EU seeks more prominent international role for European para-military police force (Statewatch database)
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