31 August 1991
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UK: State of Emergency
UK: Prisons
UK: Human Rights
UK: ID cards - a few steps nearer
UK: Liberty
UK/US: Fighting extradition
UK: Women judges
UK: Spycatcher and the press
UK: Prison security alerts
UK: Telephone-tapping - how much?
Netherlands: Dutch police and security service at odds
EU: Ad Hoc Group on Immigration
Netherlands: Dutch Social Democrats suggest alternative for Schengen agreement
Belgium: Belgian Gladio
Netherlands: Dutch radio station prosecuted as criminal organization
EU: European Convention on Extradition
EU: European Commission dodges immigration issues - again
UK: Asylum-seekers - right of appeal?
UK: Passport control checks
UK: New Chief of Defence Staff
UK: Military Aid to Civil Ministries during strikes
UK: How racist is Britain?
UK: Book review, Newham: the forging of a black community
UK/US: BNP attack meeting
UK: Police Complaints Authority Annual Report 1990
UK: Metropolitan Police patrols
UK: Remember Vandena Patel Campaign
UK: Armed Response Vehicles for London
UK: Damages against the police
UK: Police 'malpractice' in Hackney
Guildford 4, Birmingham 6 and the Maguire Family
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