31 October 1991
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UK: Police powers in action
UK: Police shoot black youth
UK: Broadwater Farm 3
UK: Asylum-seekers face draconian new measures
EU: EC Convention on external borders
UK: Reforming the UDR?
UK: Civil liberty Agenda
UK: Human rights concerns
UK: Rise in racist attacks
UK: Racist attacks increase in Scotland
Netherlands: political intelligence gathering reorganised
Netherlands: Police Cooperation in a European Perspective
Germany: police annual statistics
Netherlands: Dutch Court Acquits Irish
Human rights rulings: some decisions of the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights
Northern Ireland: Disputed killings by security forces
Northern Ireland: Repatriation
Northern Ireland: The Right to March
UK: Miscarriages of justice
UK: Retired judges reflect on Irish trials
UK: Conference: Technology and law
UK: Prison suicides
UK: Telephone tapping: out of control
UK: Security vetting - homosexuality
UK: Shift from civil defence to emergency planning
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