31 December 1991
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UK: New security appointments
UK: Fifth man saga put to rest
Netherlands: Dutch internal security budget
US Oversight Bill finally passed
Europe: Secret Services and Political Police in Modern Society
Europe: European onslaught on refugees
UK: 28 day remands
UK: Ethnic monitoring of judicial appointments
UK: Inquest Lawyers Group
UK: A People's Charter
Malta to adopt freedom of information
UK: Jury vetting
Germany: new law on surveillance and organised crime
EU: Spain and Portugal join Schengen Group
UK: Police chief gets suspended sentence
UK: Donna Maguire extradited
Human rights: Two cases currently before the European Court
UK: Life sentences
UK: Cost of prisoners
Northern Ireland: Amnesty Alert
Northern Ireland: Prison Suicides in Irish Republic
Northern Ireland: New rifle grenades introduced
Northern Ireland Human Rights Assembly
Europe: Alarming increase in racist attacks in Europe
UK: Rolan Adams murderer jailed for life
UK: Background reports - Medical Educational Trust
UK: Neighbourhood Watch warning on Afro-Caribbeans
UK: Prisoners in police cells
UK: Damages against the police
UK: Compensation in civil actions
UK: Met guilty of sexual discrimination
Prevention of Terrorism Act
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