30 June 1992
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EU: EC proposes official secrets
EU: Trevi and Belgium
Holland: Trevi and Belgium
Europe: Dounreay at the Nordic Council
UK: Asylum Bill
UK: Asylum-seekers not illegal
UK: Visitors' passports useless
UK: Heat detectors for immigrants
UK: Tower Hamlets is not Home Office
Holland: secret list
Holland: immigration raids
UK: Prisoner wins human rights case
UK: Prison Service
UK: Too many locked up
UK: Rape in marriage
UK: Hamlet without the prince
Germany: Security group under scrutiny
Germany: intelligence failures
Switzerland: Conference: police and intelligence
UK: Chief Constable's 'racist joke’
UK: Hackney police guilty of assault
UK: Police jailed for beating black man
Europe: Conference: policing in Europe
UK: Homosexual acts legalised
UK: 'BNP brutality' at top security hospital
Europe: Far-right gains in European elections
UK: Far-right election flop
Northern Ireland: Mass Strip Search at Maghaberry
Northern Ireland: Abortion, Ireland and of Europe
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