Citizen's charter
01 March 1992
When the government published its Citizen's Charter in July 1991 the section on policing neglected to make any mention of the part to be played by local police authorities (two-thirds of whose members are locally elected councillors). Nor did the Home Office briefing note on "Implications for the police service" sent out on 22 July. The follow-up letter in September from Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary to all Chief Constables also ignored police authorities and spoke of the need to develop "the effective use of customer contact surveys."
The Association of Metropolitan Authorities (AMA) wrote to the Home Office saying that "the Home Office briefing on the Citizen's Charter and the police service is seriously inadequate. It ignores the role of police authorities as established by statute and Home Office circulars..." The Home Office replied:
your role was not properly reflected in the notes which, as you will appreciate, were hurriedly drafted in response to document we had not even is not always possible to consult with you [the AMA] - and indeed the police service - in issuing material in response to an initiative outside the control of the Home Office.
Letter from the AMA 6.12.91; Letter from the Home Office, 20.12.91.