Civil Liberties - new material (14)
01 December 1995
National security: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" Data Protection News no 23 Autumn 1995 pp27-31. Looks at the implications for the Data Protection Act when MI5 and GCHQ starts to operate in their "policing" roles to combat organised crime.
ID Cards: Briefing for the parliamentary Labour Party from Jack Straw MP Shadow Home Secretary June 1995 7 pages. "We are not opposed in principle to voluntary ID cards".
Response by the Association of County Councils Association of District Councils and Association of Metropolitan Authorities to the Home Office Green Paper in Identity Cards 7 pages. "We are opposed to such a scheme irrespective of whether it would be compulsory or voluntary."
Identity Cards: Revisited: Justice and IPPR 1995 54 pages, 4.95. Examines the government's Green Paper on ID cards. From: Justice 59 Carter Lane London EC4V 5AQ and IPPR 30-32 Southampton Street London WC2E 7RA.
Who's who in the freemasons. Labour Research Vol 84 no 11 (November) 1995 pp9-10. Examination of top freemasons based on the 1995 Masonic Year Book.
Estimating the extent of domestic violence: findings from the 1992 BCS Catriona Mirrlees-Black. Home Office Research and Statistics Department Research Bulletin 37 1995 pp1-9. The British Crime Survey estimated that one in ten women have experienced physical violence from a partner; this piece examines problems in estimating the extent of domestic violence.
Domestic violence on a London housing estate Tracey Bush & John Hood-Williams. Home Office Research and Statistics Department Research Bulletin 37 1995 pp11-18. Looks at "the complex processes involved in domestic violence" on a London housing estate.