EC immigration
01 March 1991
At its meeting on January 7-9 1991 the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights insisted that the EC had competence to deal with the movement of third country nationals and problems relating to national security in the Community. It also criticised the way such matters were being dealt with by groups such as Schengen and TREVI outside Community competence. In December 1990 the Foreign Ministers and the European council agreed to study Article 8a of the EEC Treaty (the "single market" article) to see if it could encompass third country nationals. Meanwhile the Group of Coordinators and the Commission are preparing a report on visa and asylum policies. In its latest report on Completing the Internal Market the Commission made it clear that the right to establish oneself and to work in all Community States will be reserved for Community nationals only and will not be extended to third country nationals living permanently in one Member State.
Migration News Sheet January & February 1991