EU: Secret meetings 1993
01 January 1994
The plethora of secret meetings on policing and immigration continued unabated in 1993. A full list of the meetings obtained by Statewatch shows that there were 106 meetings during the Danish (January - June) and Belgian (July - December) Presidencies of the EU (this total excludes meetings of customs official and of the judicial cooperation working parties). This updates the information in the Statewatching the new Europe handbook (pages: 185-6). Although the K4 Committee began to meet after the implementation of the Maastricht Treaty on 1 November, 1993 the supporting steering groups and working parties were not in place by the end of the year.
Coordinators group (now the K4 Committee): 10 meetings. Ad Hoc Group on Immigration: 7 meetings; Asylum sub group: 10 meetings; Admission/expulsion subgroup: 8 meetings in Danish Presidency then to meet the new structure it is split into two during the Belgian Presidency, Asylum: 2 meetings; Expulsion: 3 meetings; Visa sub-group: 5 meetings; External frontiers sub- group: 5 meetings; Forged documents sub-group: 6 meetings; Immigration sub-group: a new group: 3 meetings: plus Sub-group on former Yugoslavia: 5 meetings. CIREA (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on asylum): 6 meetings; CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the crossing of external borders and immigration): 2 meetings.
TREVI Senior Officials: 2 meetings; TREVI I: 2 meetings; TREVI II: 2 meetings; TREVI III: 2 meetings; Ad Hoc Working Group on Europol: 9 meetings - UK Chair; Ad Hoc Group on Organised Crime: 5 meetings.
Other meetings: Horizontal Group on Data Processing: 8 meetings; CELAD (drug coordinators): 6 meetings, including one with the Pompidou Group; Dublin Group (works with drug producing countries): 1 meeting.
A full chronological listing is available from Statewatch.