Europe: In brief
01 September 1992
Trevi 92: The European Commission has been taking part in the Trevi group working party, known as Trevi 92, since the beginning of 1991. The Trevi group was founded in 1976 and is an inter- governmental body outside the formal structures of the EC (Trevi stands for terrorism, radicalism, extremism and violence).
The Trevi 92 working group, set up in April 1989, is looking the policing and security implications of the creation of the Single European Market - namely the abolition of internal borders and the strengthening of the external borders of the EC.
Background report Commission 26.3.92.
SIS on schedule: Two regions of the Dutch police, Rotterdam and Arnhem, will start using the test version of the Schengen Information System in October. This summer, police personnel are being familiarized with the system in a series of presentations in the country. Project manager Mr D A Kotteman at the CRI (Central Criminal Intelligence Service) believes deployment at the Dutch borders on January 1, 1993 is feasible, but police forces in the rest of the country will have to wait a little longer.