Europe - new material (14)
01 December 1995
The intergovernmental conference: migration law reform? JCWI Bulletin Vol. 5 no. 2 1995 pp4-6.
Turkey: campaign of lies Yashar Kemal. Kurdistan Report 21 (May- June) 1995 pp21-22. On Turkey's persecution of Kurds and disregard for human rights.
Briefing: "Schengenland" - fortune or Fortress Europe?. Runnymede Trust Bulletin 287 (July/August) 1995 pp8-9.
All the Prime Minister's men Alexander Stille. Independent on Sunday 24.9.95. pp4-9. Background piece on former Italian premier Giulio Andreotti who went on trial in September accused of collusion with the Sicilian mafia.
A battle for the soul of Europe Pauline Green. European Brief, vol 2 no 8 July/August 1995 pp57-58. Leader of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament looks at the issues likely to be raised in the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference.
The Secrecy Cult and civil liberty Tony Bunyan. European Brief, vol 2 no 8 July/August 1995 pp60-61. Looks at the workings of the "third pillar" secrecy of decision-making and the lack of democratic accountability.
Strengthening stability and security in Central Europe Richard Latter. Wilton Park papers no 101. HMSO 5.00 26 pages
Previews the extension of NATO into central and eastern Europe and possible reactions by Russia.
Forskning om Europafr†gor (Research on European questions), produced by the Faculty of Social Science Gothenburg University, 1993 (Study no 1); 1994 (study no 2).
Parliament and people Nicholas Hopkinson. Wilton Park paper no 100 HMSO June 1995 5.00. Looks at the lack of credibility of parliamentary politics in Western democracies.
Interim report concerning Turkey: Background report. European Commission July 1995 5 pages. Sets out the state of negotiation with Turkey over its possible membership of the EU and records the problems of democracy human rights and the campaign against the Kurdish people.