Europe - new material (16)
01 December 1996
Recent developments in European Convention law John Wadham & Philip Leach. Legal Action January 1996 pp17-21. This article summarises cases at the European Commission and Court of Human Rights which are relevant to Britain and Northern Ireland.
In pursuit of the vernacular: comparing law and order discourse in Britain and Germany Lucia Zedner. Social and Legal Studies Vol. 4 No. 4 (December) 1995 pp517-534. This article attempts to understand "why so much political capital is invested in British discourses of law and order" by comparing it with German legal culture.
Access v. Secrecy Tony Bunyan. European Insider No. 1 29.11.95. This article examines the decision of the European Court of Justice to annul the Council of Minister's refusal to allow the Guardian newspaper access to minutes and reports of their meetings.
Parliamentary debates
The 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference: ECC Reports Lords 12.12.96. cols. 1172-1256 European Union Commons 7.12.95. cols. 506-593 Madrid Summit Commons 18.12.95. cols. 1219-1235