Europe - new material (19)
01 December 1996
East meets west Bill Tupman. Policing Today Vol 2 No. 2 (July) 1996 pp30-36. Article by the former director of Police Studies at Exeter University on the growth of "organised crime" in east Europe and the necessity of west and east European police forces to "work together to fight organised crime within the EU".
The Southern and Eastern Enlargements of the European Union, Wilton Park papers no 102 July 1995 (Nicholas Hopkinson) HMSO, 50 pages 5.00.
Accountability in the European Union Dr Alan Butt Philip. John Stuart Mill Institute 1 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2HE. 1996, 50 pages 6.00.
Parliamentary debates
Defence and Security (Europe) Commons 19.6.96. cols. 817-835 European Union Commons 20.6.96. cols. 1023-1101