Europe - new material (32)
01 November 1998
Economic, social and cultural rights in an international context, Stephen Knafler. Legal Action October 1998, pp8-9. Summarises how new rights, soon to be incorporated under the European Convention on Human Rights, relate to wider rights in other international conventions.
Echelon, EU-FBI: Techniken politischer Kontrolle [Technology of political control], AMI, no 11, 1998, pp 23-28.
Parliamentary debates
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Commons 20.10.98. cols. 1316-1336
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Commons 27.10.98. cols. 163-212
Russia Commons 27.10.98. cols. 242-250
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Lords 4.11.98. cols. 272-291
The Schengen Acquis: ECC Report, Lords 6.11.98. cols. 454-488
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Lords 12.11.98. cols. 846-871
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Lords 18.11.98. cols. 1341-1362
European Parliamentary Elections Bill Commons 2.12.98. cols. 917-1016
European Union Commons 3.12.98. cols. 1081-1140