Europe - new material (35)
01 May 1999
Free on the EU: a guide to free sources of information about and from the European Union, Mike Cooper. 2nd edition. European Information Association, 1999, 72 pages, £20.00 (£15.00 to members of the EIA), from: European Information Association, Central Library, St Peter's Square, Manchester M2 5PD, UK, e-mail: Excellent starting point for researching the EU. It covers publications, internet sites, and regular newsheets. With subject and alphabetical indexes and the contact details for parliament and commission offices and sites it is easy to use. Although "justice and home affairs" is not included in the subject index many of these sources do have information on these issues.
Parliamentary debates
European Parliamentary Elections Regulations 1999 Lords 22.4.99. cols. 1297-1307
Council of Europe Lords 5.5.99. cols. 683-721
Schengen and the UK's Border Controls: ECC Report Lords 7.5.99. cols. 913-944
European Union Fraud Lords 19.5.99. cols. 1079-1126
European Union Commons 25.5.99. cols. 178-260
Kosovo and the Cologne Summit Lords 8.6.99. cols 1323-1339