Immigration - new material (14)
01 December 1995
Cold climate for asylum seekers, John Sunderland. Chartist November-December 1994. Analysis of the effects of the 1993 Asylum Act.
The new immigration rules: further tightening of immigration policy Nicholas Blake QC. Socialist Lawyer 23:19-20 (Winter) 1994-95. Critical review of the new immigration rules introduced on October 1 1994.
Campsfield Monitor 5 (Nov-Dec) 1994. Articles on the immigration quota system UK breaking international law on the detention of asylum seekers and the case of Valerie Senoo who was allegedly bound and gagged when deported in November.
Disability issues in Immigration A briefing by Salford Law Centre January 1995 4pp. From: Salford Law Centre 498 Liverpool Street Salford M6 5QZ. This study is based on a questionnaire circulated to immigration workers in Law Centres and other groups working in this field. It shows how disability is used by immigration officials to refuse entry. In one case the husband of a disabled woman living in the UK was refused entry on the grounds that: "the visa officer did not believe that he would choose to marry a disabled person...[and] decided that the fact that this woman lived in the UK was the primary purpose of the marriage".
Asylum in Germany Karsten Lthke. ZDWF: Zentrale Dokumentationsstelle der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege fr Flchtlinge e/V, no 57 (in English). Covers Germany's asylum procedure; organisations working in this field; and relevant legal text (including the Aliens Act). From: ZDWF Cecilienstr.8 53721 Siegburg Germany. Tel: 00 49 02241 50001.
Representing unaccompanied refugee children in the asylum process Vicky Guedalla. Children's Legal Centre 20 Compton Terrace London N1 2UN. 2.50 for single copies (bulk rates available) 8 pages. Outlines the procedures and principles for lawyers and others acting for children.
The right to family life for immigrants in Europe. Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) 1994 5.00 60 pages. Report of an international conference organised by Coordination Europeenne pour le droit des estrangers a vivre en famille, Brussels November 1993. JCWI 115 Old Street London EC1V 9JR.