Kurdish People
01 January 1991
Kurdish People
artdoc May=1991
House of Commons written answer 3.11.89 Col.372
Mr. Corbyn:To ask the Secretary of State for the Home
Department how many Kurdish asylum seekers have been detained,
and for what period, since 1 January.
Mr. Peter Lloyd [holding answer 27 October 1989]: The
information is not available in the form requested. Of
approximately 3,900 Turkish nationals who have claimed asylum
on arrival in the United Kingdom since 1 January some 300 have
been detained at some time, for periods ranging from one day
to five months. On 26 October, four Turkish asylum seekers,
one of whom arrived in May and three in June, remained in
detention, their applications for asylum having been considered
and refused. On the same date two other Turkish nationals who
were being treated as illegal entrants and were detained had
applied for asylum. One had been in prison-following a
criminal conviction, the other was detained in September 1989.
Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home
Department how many Kurdish people from Turkey have arrived at
Heathrow airport and then returned to Turkey without seeking
entry to Britain since I January.
Mr. Peter Lloyd [holding answer 27 October 1989]:
Information on passengers subject to control who seek leave to
enter is maintained by nationality not ethnic or religious
origin. There are no records of passengers who do not seek
leave to enter, for example because they are in direct transit.
Up to 26 October a total of 232 Turkish asylum seekers had
departed voluntarily without awaiting the outcome of their