Law - new material (21)
01 December 1997
Prosecuting domestic assault: Victims failing courts or courts failing victims Antonia Cretney & Gwynn Davis. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 36 no. 2 1996 pp146-157. Examines the policy of the police and the Crown Prosecution Service and concludes that "despite an expressed willingness to take domestic violence provides no encouragement to women to sustain their commitment to an arduous and possibly dangerous enterprise."
Television licence evasion and the criminalisation of female poverty Christina Pantazis and David Gordon. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 36 no. 2 1996 pp159-186. This paper considers "the disproportionate number of women entering the criminal justice system for possessing a television without a licence." In 1994 57% of all female criminal convictions related to television licence evasion.
17 year olds and the youth court. Penal Affairs Consortium (May) 1997 pp4. This briefing argues that the government should reject proposals to remove 17-year old offenders from the youth court.
The Law. Issue 10 (April-June) 1997. The latest issue contains articles on Stonehenge and the Public Order Act 1986 the M25 Three campaign the Crown Prosecution Service prisons refugees and black women in prison.
Parliamentary debates
Crime (Sentences) Bill Lords 18.3.97. cols. 788-831 Crime (Sentences) Bill Lords 18.3.97. cols. 841-892 Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Bill Lords 19.3.97. cols. 936-967 Crime (Sentences) Bill Commons 19.3.97. cols. 981-994