Law: new material (5)
23 October 2000
To plea or not to plea Mike McConville & Chester Mirsky. Legal Action February 1993 pp6-8. Focuses on the Bar Council's proposals for a formal system of plea bargaining.
Guilty pleas and the politics of research Lee Bridges Legal Action April 1993 pp9-10.
Travelling people and the law Strangeways Newsletter No. 14, Winter 1992/1993
Parliamentary debates
Criminal Justice Bill - report Lords 3.12.92. cols 1469-1477; 1483-1504 Criminal Justice Act 1991 (Contracted out prisons) (No. 2) Order 1992 - Motion for approval Lords 15.2.93. cols 931-949 Penalty for murder Bill - Second reading Lords 8.2.93. cols 479-504