MEADS: teaming up against SCUD
01 July 1995
In October the governments of France, Germany and Italy will sign a memorandum of understanding with the USA to launch a transatlantic air defence system (MEADS) to protect their mobile forces against attacks from tactical ballistic missiles and Cruise missiles from the Middle East and North Africa. The total cost of the first phase (project definition and validation - to be completed by 1998) is estimated to be about 2 billion dollars, which will be evenly funded by Europe and the US. A second phase (design and development) will begin in 1999 with service entry planned for 2005. A consortium including France's Aerospatial and Thompson CSF, Germany's DASA and Siemens and Alenia of Italy will form a joint industrial entity called EuroMEADS.
Jane's Defence Weekly 24.6.95.