Military - In brief (10)
01 June 2000
EU: Western European Union plans its demise: The Western European Union (WEU) is planning its demise as relevant bodies of the organisation will be gradually absorbed by the EU. Legal aspects of the transfer of the WEU Satellite Centre in Torrejon, Spain and the Institute for Security Studies in Paris next year are now being considered. The centre in Torrejon processes information derived from commercial satellites and the military Helios I satellite jointly developed by France, Spain and Italy. Meanwhile, the WEU Assembly has urged the EU to create a 30-strong military intelligence unit that should be integrated into the EU military staff. The dissolution of the WEU politico-military council and the WEU Major Staff Committee will follow the full implementation of equivalent EU bodies. Some specific bodies like the Western European Armaments Group and the Western European Armaments Organisation should survive. Jane's Defence Weekly 24.5.00 21.6.00. (Peggy Beauplet)