Military - in brief (2)
01 May 1998
WEU: Europe defence "identity" within NATO: Western European Union (WEU) military chiefs met in April in Greece to approve details of joint NATO-WEU procedures needed to transfer NATO airlift, communications or intelligence assets to the WEU for separate humanitarian, rescue or "peace enforcement" missions. A week earlier, NATO and WEU held one of four joint council meetings planned each year to compare documents aimed at harmonising consultation procedures. According to a NATO source the Military Committee of NATO is developing three "typical" mission profiles for WEU use of NATO assets involving humanitarian, disaster relief and one large-scale and a small-scale peace enforcement mission, below the scope of a Bosnia-type operation. A joint field exercise for commanders and troops is planned for the year 2000. Jane's Defence Weekly, 15.4.98.
France: French increase their military spending: France will increase spending on military equipment by 4.5% per annum for the coming four years and retain all its big defence programmes after a review of the country's military needs by the Socialist-led coalition government. Several important projects initiated during the Cold War - the Rafale fighter, the Tiger helicopter, the Leclerc main battle tank, nuclear missile submarines and the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will continue without important changes. But the Horus espionage radar satellite that was planned with Germany and the TRIGAT long range anti-tank missile will be scrapped. Jane's Defence Weekly, 15.4.98.
Eurocorps HQ set to deploy: The headquarters of the multi-national Eurocorps is set to deploy on operations for the first time since its inauguration in November 1993. The HQ will deploy to Bosnia in July as part of the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR). The HQ comprises personnel from Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain. The deployment will comprise 32 officers, 91 NCOs, 23 other ranks and a civilian. Jane's Defence Weekly, 6.5.98.