Military - new material (21)
01 December 1997
Le bataillon de deploiement rapide slovaque [The Slovak rapid deployment battalion] Jean-Jacques Cecile. RAIDS no 137, October 1997 pp28-33. Elite unit of the new Slovak army.
La 11e brigade aeromobile neerlandaise [The Dutch 11th airmobile brigade] Yves Debay. RAIDS no 138 November 1997 pp6-17
Organizational details about the unit that was involved in the fall of Srebrenica. Kommando Spezialstreitkraefte - ein Jahr nach Aufstellung [Special Forces Command - one year after formation] Peter M, Baierl. Europaeische Sicherheit 8/97 pp50-54. Overview of the Special forces unit of the German Bundeswehr and the division of tasks with GSG 9.
The Eurofighter Debate: A British Perspective Susan Willett. International Security Information Service (ISIS) Briefing Paper no 13 Brussels October 1997. The reason why successive UK governments have supported the Eurofighter program is its perceived importance to the UK aerospace and engineering sectors whereas the military usefulness is questionable.
The Role of the High Commissioner on National minorities in OSCE Conflict Prevention. An Introduction. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations The Hague June 1997. Updated document based on a report at the request of the Japanese Government but aimed at a broad audience.
Parliamentary debates
Defence Policy Commons 27.10.97. cols. 609-680 Defence Policy Commons 28.10.97. cols. 724-808 Defence Policy Lords 6.11.97. cols. 1481-1564