Netherlands: New Nationalist Party
01 March 1999
Another far-right organisation has emerged from the ruins of the Centrum Partij '86 (CP'86). The Nieuw Nationalistich Partij (NNP), has been cobbled together from CP'86 supporters, together with disaffected Centrum-Demokraten (CD) members and a few veterans from the 1970s neo-nazi group the Nederlands Volks Unie. It has put itself forward for regional elections in Breda with a programme that opposes "multiculturalism" and aims to defend the Dutch nation from "unfolkish influences". It also wishes to ban cars from the centre of Breda, whilst at the same time opposing "environmental neurotics". However new this party may be, it has continued what is now an old far-right tradition in the Netherlands, namely the purchase of nominations for local elections. NNP activists are apparently offering homeless people in Breda 40 guilders to sign their nomination papers.
The Centrum-Demokraten have also been accused of attempting to buy nominees for their candidates in Arnhem. According to the Gelders centrum voor Verslavingszorg (GVC, Gelderland Centre for Addiction) Arnhem CD activist Hennie Selhorst has been offering heroin addicts 25 guilders in return for nominating CD candidates. Unfortunately for Selhorst he has not been having much luck. A worker within the GCV stated: "All addicts desperately need money, but nominating CD candidates is too much even for them." Selhorst has made a habit of attempting to support other peoples' habits. Last year he was sentenced to three months in prison after being found guilty of supplying wraps of heroin in return for CD nominations.
Alert March 1999