Police complaints - racist behaviour
01 January 1991
Police complaints - racist behaviour
artdoc May=1991
House of Commons written answer 29.11.90 Col 451
Mr. Sedgemore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home
Department if lie will list for each year since 1985 the number
of complaints against the police completed in England and Wales
in which racially discriminatory behaviour was alleged; how
many of those were substantiated and how many were
unsubstantiated; how many were informally resolved; of those
that were substantiated, how many resulted in a disciplinary
charge being preferred; what was the outcome of such charge;
and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Peter Lloyd: The available information is as follows:
Number of complaints
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
Recorded' 83 197 180 220 202
Formally investigated 57 142 131 127 135
Substantiated 0 4 4 5 4
Unsubstantiated 57 138 127 122 131
1 Does not include complaints which were recorded but
subsequently withdrawn.
Information relating to any subsequent disciplinary
proceedings or to the number of complaints informally resolved
is not held centrally, and could be obtained only at
disproportionate cost.