Policing - new material (28)

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A review of police trials of the CS Aerosol incapacitant Egmont Kock & Bernard Rix. Police Research Series Paper 21 (Home Office Police Policy Directorate) 1996 pp28. This report purports to review "the suitability and effectiveness of the CS incapacitant as an item of police defensive equipment" but fails to address the many criticisms aimed at its misuse during trails. It covers: Training and other preparation; Operational use of the CS spray; Injuries to police officers and others; Police officers' views and Public attitudes.

PNC: a users' guide. Police Review. Continuation of a series of articles on the Police National Computer: Part 6 "Property search" (6.12.96.); Part 7 "Directory tables" (13.12.96); Part 8 "Transaction logging" (20.12.96); Part 9 & 10 "The vehicle file" (3 & 10.1.97.).

Fingertip precision Patrick Hook. Police Review 17.1.97. pp25- 26. Short piece on the 100 million National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) which can check "more than a million fingerprints a second from up to 60 fingerprint bureaux across the UK". It is expected to start up in September.

Bugging tactics Sarah Gibbons. Police Review 31.1.97. pp25-27. The surveillance clauses of the Police Bill have been almost universally condemned - by doctors, lawyers, the church, judiciary, civil liberties groups and even the House of Lords. This article presents the ACPO view and condemns the limited amendments proposed by the Lords.

Between the lines Duncan Campbell. Guardian 10.2.97. pp8-9.

Polizeientwicklung und Buergerrechte in Mittel- und Osteuropa (Police development and civil liberties in central and eastern Europe) Buergerrechte & Polizei/CILIP 55 (3/1996) pp.102.

European Police Cooperation: police accountability and the policing of internationally-mobile offending in England and Wales Paul Norman. D.Phil thesis September 1996 282 pages plus Appendixes cost 30.00 from the author at: 49 St Paul's Street, Brighton BN2 3HR. Excellent value and a thorough study of how international police functions are performed by domestic police agencies the roles of Interpol and the Europol Drugs Unit and new forms of proactive policing.

Reporting on drugs in Nordic newspapers Astrid Skretting Pekka Hakkarainen Lau Laursen and Brje Olsson. Department of Criminology Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden.

UK: Fingerprinting on the spot: police technology in the pipeline will allow officers to scan in a one or two fingerprint impression of suspects on the streets ("Live ID") and check them against the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS). Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) fingerprints have to be taken at a police station so the law will be to be changed if "Live ID" is to be used. PITO News October 1996.

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