Policing - new material (47)
01 May 1999
Thinning blue line, David Lowe. Police Review 28.5.99. pp24-25. On centralised policing and the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which, the author argues, will "lead to private security assuming a greater role in patrolling and local crime control."
Police and the law, Sadiq Khan & Matthew Ryder. Legal Action June 1999, pp16-22. Occasional series "reviewing recent trends and significant developments in actions against the police and other related areas."
The politics of numbers: police racism and crime figures. CARF No 50, pp6-9. Extensive look at the police manipulation of crime figures "supported by the media and academia" that concludes that these activities have become a "major weapon in their struggle to win black popular support."
Entsichert - der Polizeistaat laedt nach (Safety catch off - the police state reloads). Antifaschistische Aktion/Bundesweite Organisation (AA/AO) 1999. Highlights several aspects of "internal security" in Germany. Includes an analysis of its justification in criminalising the anti-fascist movement and foreigners. It also analyses the legal framework, Anti-Terrorist laws and the myth of "organised crime". It includes a European dimension with articles on Schengen, Europol, TREVI and the collection of genetic data (which is justified by a moral crusade against sex offenders). From: Antifa Bonn/Rhein?Sieg, c/o Buchladen Le Sabot, Breite Str. 76, 54111 Bonn.
Eine kritische Wuerdigung von Europol (A critical asessment of Europol), Die Rote Hilfe, April/June 1999. This issue has "Europe-wide repression" as its main topic. It exposes the unaccountability and secrecy of Europol and EU-FBI telecommunications surveillance system as well as the continuity of Germany's involvement, despite the change in government. Rote Hilfe e.v., Postfach 6444, 24125 Kiel, Germany.
Parliamentary debate
Mr Bill Sutherland Commons 26.5.99. cols. 437-444