Policing - new material (52)
01 June 2000
Feasibility of an independent system for investigating complaints against the police, KPMG and Gary Mundy. Police Research Series Paper 124 (Home Office Policing and Reducing Crime Unit) April 2000, pp2. Summary of a study commissioned in response to a recommendation in the Stephen Lawrence report for an independent system for investigating complaints against the police. It covers: access to the system; sifting of complaints; conduct of investigations and supervision and monitoring. Also covers organisational structure and associated costs.
Police National Network (PNN2), C Buelrijk. Police Journal vol 73 no 1, 2000, pp3-6. This article looks at the PNN2 Extranet "that will for the first time enable electronic communication to occur between individual police domains, between agencies engaged in criminal justice, between users and other government departments and last but not least the public".