Policing - new material (61)
01 August 2002
Bürgerrechte & Polizei (Civil liberties and the police), Cilip 72, No. 2/2002, ISSN 0932-5409, pp 110, individuals: 7.16 Euro, institutions: 10.74 Euro. This issue focuses on the democratic rights of assembly and demonstrations and their erosion over recent years. From the history of the violation of these constitutional rights, demonstration bans and police "crowd control" strategies to the criminalisation of demonstrators and the political policing of anti-fascist demonstrations, the articles detail how police strategies in relation to demonstrations have become more flexible with new legal powers, where the law's wording has resulted in arbitrary arrests and police misconduct. New technologies of control, such as biometrics, are also explained and it is found that although biometric identification has become a buzzword in anti-terrorist ideology, its practical implementation is very difficult. To order: Verlag Cilip, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, 0049-30-838 70462, info@cilip.de.
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 - Code A: Code of Practice for the exercise by police officers of statutory powers of stop and search and recording of police/public encounters. Home Office (March) 2002, pp.22. This draft code of practice "reflects the work which has been done in response to the [Stephen] Lawrence Inquiry Report." Available from the Home Office website: www.homeoffice.gov.uk