Policing - new material (9)
01 December 1994
Police reform: problems of accountability and the measurement of police effectiveness Barry Loveday. Strategic Government 2(1):7- 23 1994. On the Police and Magistrates' Court Bill which will fundamentally alter the existing relationship between the police service and local and central government established by the 1964 Police Act.
Police interrogation and social control Richard A Leo. Social & Legal Studies 3(1):93-121 1994. Analysis of police interrogation practices as one example of formal control in policing.
Putting freemasonry into perspective: the debate over freemasonry and policing David Wall. Policing and Society 3(4):257-268, 1994. This article claims to "put freemasonry into a factual perspective" and concludes that "it is arguable that nowadays a police officer's golf handicap...is as if not more important than being a freemason."
Firing back Jim Sharples. Police Review 13.5.94, pp18-19. Sharples is the chief constable of Merseyside constabulary and chairman of the ACPO Joint Committee on Police use of Firearms. Here he defends the views of ACPO against the general arming of police officers.
Making their day Kathryn Ayers. Fortnight 328:37 1994. On the arming of women RUC officers and the implications for northern Ireland.
Follow-up report of the Finnish Government in response to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to Finland from 10 to 20 May 1992. Council of Europe, Strasbourg 1994, 34 pages CPT/Inf (94) 3.
Response of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to Germany from 8 to 20 December 1991. Council of Europe Strasbourg March 1994 71 pages CPT/Inf(93) 14.
Parliamentary debates
Transport Police (Jurisdiction) Bill Commons 21.3.94. cols. 52- 108 Transport Police (Jurisdiction) Bill Lords 24.3.94. cols. 809-826