Prisons - new material (10)
01 December 1995
The electronic monitoring of offenders. Penal Affairs Consortium January 1994 pp3. Concludes that electronic monitoring "will do little to divert offenders from crime or prison." Available from PAC 169 Clapham Road London SW9 0PU.
Prison Watch press release No 106 (24.12.94) 107 (3.1.95.) and 108 (12.1.95.). Prison Watch monitored 57 unnatural deaths in prisons in England and Wales during 1994 but believe that the final figure will exceed 60. Press release 108 expresses concern about the health of Indris Baliafa who has been on hunger-strike for 76 days at HMP Walton in Liverpool.
Conviction Newsletter 12. Includes articles on the cases of Colly Wilson Joseph Roche and Kevin Callan.
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland Report for 1993-94
Scottish Home and Health Department (HMSO Cm 2648) 1994 pp16, 5.15.
Statistics of offences against prison discipline and punishments, England and Wales 1993. Home Office (HMSO Cm 2664) 1994 pp30, 7.75.
Report of the Parole Board for 1993. Home Office (HMSO) 1994, pp42 9.45.
Salhaketa: Dafenderse en la carcel - guia de recursos juridicos y sociales para personas y detenidas en la comunidad autonoma vasca y navarra (To defend oneself in prison - handbook of resources for imprisoned and detained people in the Basque Autonomous Community and Navarre) Servico Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco 1991. ISBN: 84-7542-933-5. The association for the support of prisoners Salhaketa produced this 2nd updated edition on the rights of prisoners at each stage of the criminal justice process and the groups available to help them.
Satpal Ram: beaten by screws. Taking Liberties issue no 13, pp12-13.
Parliamentary debates
Mentally ill and ex-offenders treatment Lords 2.11.94. cols. 900- 920 Prison security Commons 19.12.94. cols. 1398-1412 Prison service Commons 10.1.95. cols. 31-46 Prison service Lords 25.1.95. cols. 1063-1100