Prisons - new material (12)
01 December 1995
A joint manifesto for penal reform. Penal Affairs Consortium pp7, 1995. This manifesto includes sections on mentally disturbed offenders women prisoners prisoners rights and race and criminal justice.
The law relating to prisoners Simon Creighton & Vicky King, Legal Action May 1995 pp13-15. Update on prisoners' rights dealing with mandatory life prisoners and drug testing in prisons.
The prison population in 1994. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 8/95 (27.4.95) pp23 and Projections of long term trends in the prison population to 2002. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 4/95 (30.3.95) pp16.
The Operation and performance of the prison service: minutes of evidence 18.1.95. Home Affairs Committee (HMSO) 1995 pp24 7.70
Examination of Derek Lewis Tony Butler and Richard Tilt of the Prison Service. Prison Watch press releases 119 & 121. Prison Watch 10.5.95
Cover the inquests into Ian Mountford who was found hanged at HM Prison Shrewsbury in January 1994 and Kevin Nicholson who was found hanging in Norwich prison in February 1995.
British prisons - a different sort of crisis. Fight Racism Fight Imperialism February-March 1995. On the "crisis in British prisons.
Strengthening punishment in the community Comments by the Penal Affairs Consortium on the government Green Paper 4pp, from: 169 Clapham Road London SW9 0PU.
Parliamentary debates
HM Prisons Blakenhurst and Leeds Lords 3.4.95. cols. 74-88 Probation officers: recruitment and training Lords 5.4.95. cols 186-199 Probation officers: recruitment and training Lords 5.4.95 cols 212-242