Prisons - new material (2)
01 December 1992
The case against sentencing 15 year olds to prison service custody. Penal Affairs Consortium October 1992
Belmont Prison: the way ahead or the road to nowhere? Fight racism Fight Imperialism 15.7.92.
Personal searches of psychiatric patients. Gunn MJ Criminal Law Review November 1992 pp 767-777
Following Woolf: the prospects for prisons policy. Morgan Rod Journal of Law and Society 19:2 (Summer) 1992 pp231-250
Managing Sex Offenders: The Challenge for Managers Tony Morrison. Probation Journal September 1992 pp122-128
Examination of the issues which need to be addressed in order to establish effective community based programmes for sex offenders.
Who Wants to be a Watchdog Now? Anne Worral. Probation Journal September 1992 pp133-137. Examination of the future of the Board of Visitors now that they have lost their disciplinary powers.
Thrashing and Looting Moira Peelo and John Stewart. Probation Journal September 1992 pp138-142. Peelo and Stewart discuss how offenders are vulnerable to property crime.
Quality Counts Gill McIvor. Probation Journal September 1992 pp143-147. McIvor argues that the Criminal Justice Act 1991 will lead to Community Service being utilised more by sentencers and that this in turn could lead to "mediocre work opportunities, less interest in offenders needs and a higher breach rate".
From the Seventies to the Nineties Peter Ford. Probation Journal September 1992 pp153-156. Examination of the probation service in the seventies compared to the probation service in the nineties.
Parliamentary debate
Parole Board (Transfer of Functions) Order 1992 - motion for approval Lords 13.7.92 cols 38-48.