Review: Gay people in armed forces
01 May 1995
Review: We Can't Even March Straight- Homosexuality in The Armed Forces, Edmund Hall. Vintage, 1995, 180pp, £7.99. The publication of this book is useful because of the recent interest in the issue of homosexuality in the armed forces following a court case in which lesbians and gay men have been sacked under the Ministry of Defence's blanket ban. Bill Clinton's failed campaign to change the ban in America and the recent firming up of Labour Party policy against the ban adds to its timeliness. It is well argued and researched, providing a useful explanation of the current position as well as a powerful rebuttal relying on both personal experience and on case studies of service men and women who have been forced out of the Armed forces because of the ban. It also reveals the level of ignorance and bigotry which still exists at the heart of the military establishment. Highly recommended.