Security - new material
01 December 1995
Covert in glory Paul Lashmar. New Statesman and Society 3.3.95, pp14-15 1995. Piece on the MI6's Information Research Department which was set up in 1948 as a secret anti-communist propaganda department until its demise in 1978.
MI5 Special Branch and the criminalisation of the Kurds in Britain Stephen Long. Kurdistan Report 20:4-5 (January-February) 1995. Useful article on MI5/Special Branch harassment of the Kurdish community in Britain.
They shoot pigs don't they? Danny Penman & Tom Wilkie, Independent 26.1.95. Article on the Porton Down chemical defence establishment in Wiltshire which describes experiments carried out on live animals.
How we bombed London Phillip van Niekerk. Observer 19.2.95. Describes the bombing organised by the South African apartheid government and carried out by their special branch of the African National Congress's London offices in 1982.
Truth and big guns Richard Norton-Taylor. Guardian Weekend 18.2.95. pp22-27. Piece on the Matrix-Churchill arms to Iraq scandal that coincides with the conclusion of the Scott Inquiry and asks how much impact his report will have on the Whitehall machine.
Parliamentary debates:
Lockerbie Commons 1.2.95. cols. 1056-1064