Security - new material (5)
01 May 1999
MI5 target North Belfast man. Republican News/An Phoblacht 13.5.99, p4. Article on a seven month British undercover operation to recruit North Belfast man, Gerald Martin. The approach included threats to kill him, prompting Martin to call a press conference to highlight his problem.
The shambles at MI6, Stephen Dorril. Observer 16.5.99, p18. Story on former MI6 agent, Richard Tomlinson, which sees "old school resistance to reform" at the heart of his harassment by his old colleagues.
Dublin/Monaghan bombs: sensational new evidence, and Dublin/ Monaghan bombings cover-up, Sean Brady. An Phoblacht/Republican News 1.4.99, p7 and 29.4.99, p9. More evidence of British involvement in the loyalist bombing campaign in Monaghan and Dublin in 1974 which killed 33 people. New evidence, by a former RUC officer, suggests "that his colleagues in British Military intelligence and the Ulster Defence Regiment were...behind the worst single act of violence in the past 30 years of conflict."
Spurensuche im Datennetz [Searching for evidence in the data network] Sueddeutsche Zeitung 8.6.99. The G8 working group on "high-tech crime" has formed a 24-hour contact group for greater international collaboration on "cross-border crime". Plans for legal harmonisation to facilitate access to data as well as prosecution and the securing of evidence are being put forward in Germany with a new White Paper on "Telecommunications and Surveillance". It foresees a surveillance body at every internet provider, or, if that proves too difficult due to data protection laws, the legal possibility to "freeze and store" digital data which is thought to be valuable "evidence".