Sweden: Four expelled
01 November 1995
Four suspected terrorists were expelled from Sweden during the period July 1994-June 1995 under the Swedish Terrorist Act (Lag 1991:572 om sarskild utlanningskontroll). This does not include Abdelkrim Deneche (see Statewatch vol 5 no 5, and below), who despite the judgement by the Supreme Court (stating that there obviously were no ground for the French government's request for expulsion) was ten days later labelled by the government a terrorist, but allowed to stay on humanitarian grounds. One of the four expelled - also an Algerian, suspected of being a member of GIA - were sent to Algeria less than twenty-four hours after a request from the Swedish security police. No hearings were held, even though the terrorist act requires this, and he was - also in contradiction to the terrorist act - sent back to Algeria even though it was obvious that his life was in danger. The man however, according to the Swedish radio, managed to escape from Algeria to a neighbouring country.
Dagens Eko & Swedish Text TV.