UK: Kings Cross 2
01 March 1996
The Kings Cross 2, Badrul Miah and Showkat Akbar, were convicted of murder and violent disorder following the death of a white youth, Richard Everett. Badrul received a life sentence and Showkat was jailed for three years. Badrul was convicted under the "joint enterprise" (or common purpose) doctrine which allows people to be prosecuted for their presence at a crime in the absence of any evidence that they actually joined in. (Joint enterprise was used in apartheid South Africa to convict the Sharpeville 6, who were found guilty of murder for attending a protest in which a local councillor was killed.) There is no evidence that Badrul had anything to do with the killing of Richard Everett as the trial judge acknowledged when he told him that he was "carrying the can" for those responsible. The Kings Cross 2 campaign was launched to clear the names of the innocent boys. They are demanding "justice for all, black and white...We don't want to see innocent people murdered, nor people locked up for crimes they did not commit." The Kings Cross 2 campaign is sponsored by Liberty, The Society of Black Lawyers and the Stephen Lawrence Family Campaign and can be contacted by telephone on 0171 388 3259.