News in Brief Archive January-February 2001
01 February 2001
February 2001
Criminal Justice and Police Bill:
CJP Bill
Liberty briefing on the Criminal Justice and Police Bill, 2nd Reading Briefing - Jan 2001, House of Commons:
Both of the following documents concern "standards" for the telecommunications industry for the planned interception of all telecommunications. The first is from European Telecommunications Standards Insitute (ESTI) dated 1999, the second is from the US telecommunications industry: 1) ETSI Standard Telecommunications security: Lawful interception (LI): Handover interface for the lawful interception of telecommunications traffic (another large pdf file):
2) "Lawfully Authorised Electronic Surveillance", standards for interception prepared by the US elecommunications industry (it is a large 495k pdf file):
Interception Requirements Get Dutch Internet Providers Into Trouble, Jelle van Buuren, 15.02.2001:
DCS1000: The device formerly known as:
The full-text of the Annual Report for 1999-2000 of the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee is on:
UK Prime Minister and Home Secretary argue: Refugees and asylum-seekers: no, "legal migration": yes. Critics take them to task:
No to refugees
Human Rights Watch comments on Greek Immigration Bill:
Greece (pdf)
World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, Brazil: details of the counter meeting to the World Economic Forum in Davros:
January 2001
Report from the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service:
Anti-globalisation - a spreading phenomenon and article from Le Monde Diplomatique on the debate:
Frightening the free marketeers
Full-text: EU Charter of Fundamental Rights:
Europe: New draft, 22.12.00:
Council of Europe Convention on cyber crime attacked by civil society groups